I Interrupt This Unconscious Habit to PAUSE
One of the greatest gifts my coaches provide me, and that I give to my clients, is a weekly container to pause. By pausing, we get a chance to step away from the constant action of life, be in the moment, reflect on experiences, build deeper relationships, vision the future and formulate a plan to achieve it. But in a world where we are taught and compensated for “more, more, more” and “faster, faster, faster”, pausing isn’t a natural tendency for most. In fact, if you're not used to stopping, you may experience discomfort, unease, distress and maybe even guilt when you do get to experience stillness.
For me, a self-proclaimed busybody, learning to embrace the pause has been an ongoing practice since I left the 50+ hour work week of the corporate world over a year ago. Like any practice, it has taken daily commitment and time to reprogram my thoughts about pausing, realize that it’s ok to slow down and that a pause before taking action has massive benefits both for myself and those I interact with.
What I’ve uncovered throughout my pause practice is that IT’S NECESSARY.
Intentionally creating space to interrupt old habits, tap into your body’s knowledge and explore new opportunities is the most powerful exercise you can give yourself. Simply put, pausing:
Puts a halt to our instinctual autopilot tendencies.
Provides space to play.
Cultivates inspiration.
Gives us back control.
Reorients our lives to what’s important.
Rejuvenates us to take aligned action.
Pausing generates the clarity and intent that can then be used to inform the what and how of the push. It’s the balance of pause and push that create meaningful and sustainable forward action. Both are necessary and together they create the results you desire while enjoying the journey towards them.
Now, if you're asking yourself “wait, how the heck do I pause?”, below are a few of my go-to ways that I embrace the pause each day and that you can try for yourself:
Journaling first thing in the morning before the day gets started.
Daily meditation - 15 minutes to be exact.
Prioritizing movement (walking, running, hiking, practicing yoga, etc.).
Putting all devices on silent for a a few hours each day.
Scheduling personal time on my calendar during the “work day”.
Taking extra time to prepare a delicious and thoughtful meal.
Intentionally putting one hand on my heart, one hand on my naval, closing my eyes and connecting to my breath.
Replying to an email with “Thanks for your email. I will read through it tomorrow and respond with any questions or answers I have for you.”
What is your favorite way to pause?
Comment below and share it with me.