Time Management: One concept and five steps to increase control of your day.

“There just aren’t enough hours in the day”

Does this statement or a version of it sound familar? 

While there is no denying that we all are juggling many different roles and activities each day, how might we structure our days differently if we simply remind ourselves that time is a gift

Time is a precious resource for all of us. We are unable to re-live the past and can only prepare for the future. We don’t get to fully experience a moment until that exact day and second which makes time, specifically the present moment, a special gift.

And as with any gift you receive or give, it is done with thoughtfulness, compassion, gratitude and connection. 

If we apply this same concept to how you are spending your time, reflect on the below questions:

  • Are you spending your time on the things that are most important both at work and at home?

  • How are you prioritizing time on your own goals? 

  • Who are you spending your time with? 

  • How do you feel in this moment? 

  • What emotions do you want to experience more often?

Time management is a skill that can be learned, practiced and prioritized. 

I have created a 5 step process that I use for myself and with my clients to help them strengthen this skill and give them more control, alignment and satisfaction in their days and life:

  1. TRACK



  4. ACT


Want to learn more about the 5 steps to help you re-focus on what’s most important? 

Click the yellow button to send me a message - the clock is ticking (pun intended)! 


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